Donald Trump is a white supremacist. There's no denying it anymore.
As if it wasn't clear enough when he was talking about how the Mexicans were rapists bringing crime to our country. Or when he called for a Muslim ban. But now, a bunch of Nazis are running around having rallies where people are dying, and he can't call them out. It just hurts him too much.
About seven decades ago, a group of people known as the Nazis had a way of thinking so disgusting that the entire world banded together to fight a World War because they had to be stopped. On Saturday, August 12, a group of white guys, so oppressed by black people insisting that they should have the right to walk down the street without getting shot by policemen, held a Nazi alt-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Complete with torches and Nazi salutes.
Eventually, some counter-protesters showed up and let these creeps with micro-penises know that they didn't agree with their deranged world view. So one of the white supremacist warriors did what any self-respecting Nazi would do: He ran them over. Killing one, and injuring several others.
The coward, who I won't name out of principle (and because he'll be dead soon enough) was quickly identified and taken into custody. But, this being the information age and all, the internet quickly found out a few things about this guy. Including his Facebook page which included hate speech, Nazi symbolism, and a baby picture of Hitler.
Point is: There's no doubt -- none -- what kind of person this is. And if we can all find this stuff out as easily as we did, you can bet your ass that the White House -- with the FBI, NSA and CIA at their disposal -- know everything we do.
The guy's a white supremacist. And if every time a Muslim blows something up, Trump insists that he be referred to as a terrorist, and particularly a radical Islamic terrorist, then this is domestic terrorism too. Right? So naturally, after something like this happens, the POTUS would say so.
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides."
What? That's it?
First of all, what's this "on many sides" shit? There was one side being violent, with violent, evil intentions at this rally, and it wasn't coming from the people that got run over. This was a white pride rally with people who didn't give a flying fuck who or what they hurt. It's not a hard one to figure out who's at fault here. But if you're serious about condemning this "in the strongest possible terms," how about starting by calling it terrorism, and naming the ideology of the people doing it? You seem to have no problem doing it when the suspects aren't white. What's the problem now?
Oh, wait, that's right -- hard to call out racism when you got elected peddling racist fear. I mean, David Duke, notorious KKK dipshit called the rally a moment that would galvanize the movement and "fulfill the promises of Donald Trump."
I suppose the only other reason he's unwilling to go there is that he's simply a coward. But calling out FUCKING NAZIS in America in 2017 should be a pretty low bar to clear in terms of moral courage -- if you have any, that is.
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