The fact that someone colossally stupid could be working for Donald Trump is not, in and of itself, remotely surprising.
The fact that someone whose job it is to communicate with the media could say anything this stupid is... well... holy shit.
Sean Spicer. Or, Stupid Spice, as I like to refer to him. White House Press Secretary, and delusional lunatic. The guy who tried to convince us that President Pussy-Grabber's inauguration was the biggest crowd in the history of crowds -- although visual evidence certainly shot that theory down quite easily.
It shouldn't be all that surprising that anyone willing to shoot his own credibility in the foot (and by that, I mean blow its leg off with a shotgun) over such an easily-debunked, inconsequential detail might have other whoppers of stupidity up his sleeve. But even I didn't see this one coming.
Tuesday, April 11th, 2017. In discussing Syrian President Bashar Assad's chemical attack on his own people, and President Orange Creamsickle's military response, Stupid Spice managed to utter one of the most shockingly dumb things ever said by anyone, anywhere:
"You had someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn't even sink to using chemical weapons..."
I beg? You say? What was? Huh? Hitler didn't use chemical weapons? If I had to summarize my reaction when I heard that, I would have to go with...
Really? You've never heard anyone tell an off-color gas chamber joke? Never heard about the holocaust? Never read a fucking book? How in the world can someone whose job it is to address the media say something so unbelievably ignorant in public? The highest number of people I've ever addressed in my life at one time doesn't reach triple-figures, and if I ever said something 1/100 as stupid as that, I'd be committed. Hell, one of my own ShortBus drivers would sign me into the mental ward himself.
And if that wasn't bad enough, he tried to backtrack and made it worse. He could have just said "Look, obviously what I said was incorrect, and shockingly ignorant, and I made myself look dumb. What can I say. I'll be wiping egg off my face for a month." Instead, he went with this:
"When it comes to Sarin gas, [Hitler] was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing... He brought them into the Holocaust centers, I understand that. I was saying in the way that Assad used them where he went into town, dropped them into the middle of town."
Wrong answer, jackass. The Jews weren't Hitler's "own people?" That's the distinction? Even if it were true (I'm guessing some of them were German), you're drawing comparisons because of the delivery method of the gas? And what the hell is a "Holocaust center?" That's like calling a hospital burn unit a Charcoal Suite.
Oh my god. What do Trump voters have to hear to realize that these people don't know what the hell they're doing? Does this guy have to refer to a woman, impregnated by rape, as a "reluctant incubator?" I know the left can be pretty obnoxious at times when it comes to political correctness, but come on. No one with even a modicum of intelligence should be defending this guy. Ever.
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