One of the things that just makes me want to park the bus, let one of my psycho customers take the wheel, and start banging my head against the windows is trying to figure out why people seem to get worked up about pointless bullshit, while ignoring gigantic problems. Honestly, I think it comes down to smart vs stupid. Smart people recognize complexity, while dumbasses would rather just shout about things that are simple that don't require brain power.
It's easy for redneck America to jump up and down about players kneeling during the national anthem at an NFL game because it would actually take a little effort to learn something about the protests. It would involve, you know... reading.
The reason why players started protesting in the first place has nothing to do with hating America, or the flag, or the troops, or the military. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or stupid. You can actually look this shit up. Colin Kaepernick started protesting because he was trying to draw attention to police mistreatment of minority people. A valid complaint, by the way. I could list countless examples here, but anyone with common sense already knows that.
But rather than actually delve into the subject, the old white guys running the NFL just make a rule saying the protests are outlawed. Now, truth be told, I don't have a big problem with that. It's their league, and they can set their own rules of conduct. The problem I have is with them dodging the subject, and allowing the brain-dead masses who can't be bothered to learn anything to drive the bus. (Hey, that sounds familiar!) The fans made a gigantic uproar and completely changed the facts, and the NFL just let them. And they did it under pressure from the moron in the White House. Who keeps saying things about the "sons of bitches" who should be kicked out of the league. And the latest one, that anyone who doesn't want to stand for the anthem should leave the country.
Yeah, that's a good one. People who protest should leave the country. I'll remember that at the next anti-abortion rally. As he will, I'm sure. Or maybe, if he hates the Bill of Rights so much, he should consider leaving the Oval Office, since his sworn duty is to protect the Constitution, and all.
According to USA Today, today's middle school shooting in Noblesville, IN, is the 21st (at least) shooting THIS YEAR in which someone has been injured or killed in an American school.
Note that they said "at least." These are so ingrained in the culture now that it's hard to keep up.
Get a load of this. The New York Daily News had a cover where they said more teachers and students have been killed by guns this year than U.S. servicemen have been killed.
Snopes decided to fact check this. It turns out, there's some arguments to be had as to how true that is. But here are their numbers. As of may 18th:
All combat zone military deaths: 13
All school shooting deaths: 31
All school shooting deaths: 31
Got that? So far, in 2018, more American children are dying in their own fucking schools than in combat zones. A bigger number of children are dying here than servicepeople in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why are we all allowing this? Why is it so much more important to goober nation that NFL players stand up during a song than it is to keep people from getting slaughtered by bullets? We should ALL be taking a knee to protest this, instead of watching as our representatives get down on both knees for the NRA.
And to all you 2nd Amendment honks who are going to throw out an argument about the "principle" of the people's rights involving bearing arms -- just feel free to kiss my ass right now. If you gave two flying fucks about "principles" and "rights", you wouldn't be getting worked up over black guys kneeling for 90 seconds on sundays.
Priorities. I don't get it.
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