Thursday, July 16, 2020

All Lives Don't Matter

So... #BlackLivesMatter has pretty much taken over the world.  Sports leagues are paying respects before games are being played.  Massive discussions are taking place about police brutality and possible reforms of the system.  It may actually be that America is finally facing a day of reckoning when it comes to racism.

This post, however, will not be about that.  This post will be about the hypocrisy of the movement's tone-deaf cousin, #AllLivesMatter.

First off, let's make something clear.  Like most things in life, context is key in this conversation.  There is nothing wrong with saying "All Lives Matter" in the abstract.  If you're having a conversation about health care, for instance.  If you're making the case that everyone should have health insurance one way or another, because no one should ever be faced with a decision that involves going bankrupt to get care, or because no one should ever have to consider not going to a doctor because of the financial repercussions.  And you believe we should fix the system because all lives matter.

Well, no shit, all lives matter.  Thank you.  Of course.  You're absolutely right.

Number one, the "All Lives Matter" argument would be a lot more persuasive to me if it wasn't coming from the same bunch of conservative douchebags who are refusing to wear masks right now.  The people whining about tyranny because they can't waltz through an air-conditioned Wal-Mart for twenty minutes with an uncovered schnozz.  If "All Lives Matter," why are people so fucking selfish?

All lives matter, unless we're talking about health care.  Then, only people who can afford it matter.  All lives matter, unless we're talking about unemployment.  Then, only people with ambition matter.  Only people who can afford to go to college and get better jobs matter.  All lives matter, unless there's a migrant caravan moving towards the border during midterms, and then only American lives matter.  All lives matter, unless we're talking about banning Muslims, and then only good Christian lives matter.  All lives matter, unless we're raising the minimum wage, and then only corporations matter.  All lives matter, unless we're cutting taxes for the rich, because only rich assholes matter.

Spare me.

Number two, if someone says "Black Lives Matter," and your response is to say "All Lives Matter," you're being racist.  Whether you mean to or not; whether you realize it or not.  "Black Lives Matter" is not, was not, never was, and never will be a claim that they're the only ones that matter, doofus.  It's just the three-word grouping they chose to illustrate a very specific grievance a very specific group of people have about a very specific problem that they're trying to bring attention to.  It's not being said to the exclusion of consideration of all other peoples.  Only a complete narcissist could read it that way.

The African-American community has experienced a trauma.  (I mean, they have been for a long time, but that's a blog entry for another day.)  They're mourning.  They're angry.  They're the group of people who need something fixed at this specific moment.  Again -- not to the exclusion of everything else, especially during a pandemic -- but this is a crisis of immediacy.  Complaining that "Black Lives Matter" is getting attention right now is like complaining to the fire trucks and paramedics who are dealing with the house on fire across the street.  Yeah, they're having a crisis RIGHT NOW, but why do they get all the attention?  #AllHousesMatter.

If on the 4th of July, in the midst of all the patriotic celebrations, there was some killjoy going around bitching and moaning, yelling "why do you only care about America right now?  All Countries Matter!!!"  Wouldn't you think he was a gigantic asshole?  (Thanks, Peter.)

If you hear "Black Lives Matter", and you feel the need to co-opt it, expand it, correct it or alter it to something else, you're NOT being inclusive.  You're missing the fucking point.  You're telling the world that you don't give enough of a shit about this unless you find a way to include yourself.

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