OK, so here I was today. Enjoying my birthday, driving the ShortBus around town to the various nuthouses, drunk tanks and churches, picking up my usual customers and going through generous quantities of Windex on the windows that they lick during their ride. (OK, that's a fabrication. I actually don't enjoy birthdays.)
And I'm wrapping up my day, and I check my Facebook feed. And I see something that just riles me up. It's a link shared by a friend of mine (who I won't name, as I don't want to embarrass him) to a right-wing propaganda page (who I won't name out of principle). It's a photo of about a dozen people (women, presumably) dressed in the full head-to-toe burkas that are the trademark of the way Islam treats women. It's a photo designed to spark immediate outrage in the minds of most Americans who, rightly so, believe that women should be treated equally under the law.
The caption on this photo reads: "Sharia Law has no place on American soil. Please like and share if like millions of Americans you have had enough!!"