Saturday, March 14, 2015

Thou Shalt Not Bitch

OK... this is a little old by now, but I went on a pretty big rant on Facebook over it, and it's what gave me the idea of starting this blog to begin with.  I have no idea how long I'll have this, or how often I'll post to it.  But just in case Facebook and Twitter crowds don't want to read my ramblings, I figured I'd find another place to put my stuff. 

So welcome to KC's ShortBus.  The free transportational service I offer to those I'm bored with, tired of and pissed at.

My first offering:  a story about the Ten Commandments being taken down from a public school wall.

Bullet points:
  • Marion Harding High had a plaque of the Ten Commandments hanging on its wall since the 1950's.
  • Someone complained (most likely a not-so-religious person) and it was taken down
  • People went nuts. 
You can always count on a religious story to bring out hysterical people.

I was raised Catholic. I used to believe in it. But I don't now. I've grown up. I've gotten real. And I'm tired of people who have had it their way for so long whining because they can no longer live in a society where everyone shares their world view.

The Ten Commandments, prayer, God, Jesus, Mohammed, Judaism, whatever -- THEY DON'T BELONG IN SCHOOLS. PERIOD. Schools are for LEARNING. Religion is not.

Religion, by definition, is believing in something for which there is no proof or evidence. That's what faith is. And that's not what the purpose of a school is. The purpose of a school is to educate about things we actually know. Math. Science. Languages. History. The nuts and bolts of the world. If faith is important to you, that's fine -- teach it to your own kids if you want to. Or send them to a religious private school. But stop trying to tell everyone that your religion is the "right" one, and therefore, you have the right to impose it on everyone else.

Schools and churches are completely different entities. You never hear a science teacher trying to impose physics into church services. I've never seen a priest giving a homily on Sunday morning whip out an overhead projector and work out quadratic equations. I guarantee you, if people outside your church tried to impose that on you, you would bitch and moan and flip out from now until Judgement Day. But you think NOTHING about forcing your kids' school to comply with your every want and desire on religion. It's nonsense.

And stop telling me that the reason America is going down the drain is because we've taken God out of society -- please. That dog won't hunt. This was a Christian nation when we killed and enslaved a bunch of black people, slaughtered a bunch of Native Americans and dropped bombs on the Japanese. Christians have done some pretty fucked up shit in their day. Hanging the ten Commandments on a schoolhouse wall isn't going to make for better people. If your kid needs to see that everyday to know it's bad to kill people or commit adultery, you're both already fucked and you're not getting the job done as a parent.

And finally, what percentage of the parents showing up at these school board meetings to complain about this are there for the first time? Schools have real problems. Buildings are falling down, books are outdated, many don't have the internet, some have 50 kids to a teacher, kids can't read -- but THIS is what gets you off your couch? It shouldn't take God, sex scandals, or football to get you interested.

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