I don't really mean for all my posts to be about religion. It's just that all the things that piss me off lately seem to be going that route. And Fox News (a regular ShortBus customer) provided me with another headscratcher this week.
This YouTube clip comes from a channel I subscribe to called Secular Talk. The guy providing the commentary is Kyle Kulinski. I won't go on forever, because he sums up most of what I felt when I saw this.
But the gist of it is, Madison, Wisconsin has become the first place in the country to pass legislation that specifically lists athiests as a group that can't by systematically discriminated against. Yay! About time, as far as I'm concerned. In a country that provides freedom of religion, I think freedom FROM religion should be in that mix as well.
Well, needless to say, the brainless twits at the Republic of Fox don't see it that way.